Pastor Harold and Jennifer Clark

Pastors Harold and Jennifer are the Lead Pastors of the ALC Ministries Macon Campus under the leadership of Apostle Jeremiah and Pastor Lisa Hosford. In 2015 Apostle Jeremiah set them forth as the Pastors after witnessing first-hand their character,  faithfulness and their diligence to bring the lost into the Kingdom, and their willingness to see Apostle Jeremiah’s vision come to pass. In August of 2022, God opened an effectual door of opportunity to relocate from Forsyth, Ga. to the Macon area. In the past 8 years of their ministry, they have witnessed hundreds come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, being Baptized in water and filled with the power of the Holy Spirit!

Pastor Chris and Courtney Hargrove

Pastor Chris and Courtney Hargrove serve as Associate Pastors who support Pastors Harold and Jennifer Clark in various ministry duties. They currently facilitate MyGroups, communicate monthly events and assist ministry leaders as needs arise.

Pastor Jennifer Wiley

Pastor Jennifer answered the call years ago to ‘raise up’ and mentor sons and daughters into the music ministry and her desire continues to grow even stronger and increases as the vision becomes more defined. She oversees the music for the ALC Worship Team, Choir, Student and KidsMin and coordinates with ministries involved in special services and events.

Pastor Kenny and Hope Jenkins

Kenny and Hope are our Outreach Pastors. They believe in the true ministry of Jesus, which is to see everyone saved into the Kingdom of God. Ministry happens while building strong relationships and connecting them in ministry on a whole new level!

Josh and Rebecca Hewitt

Josh and Rebecca are our High School and Middle School Student Leaders. They believe the calling on the next generation is both necessary and crucial in order to see them fulfill their God-given potential and walk out the destiny and purpose God has planned for their lives.  

Gavin and Rachel Mathews

Gavin and Rachel are our Kids Ministry Leaders for ages 0-12 years old. They dedicate their time to teach kids how to build a relationship with Jesus, the importance of prayer, how to serve God while loving other, and what it means to be a child of God. They believe it is important to teach your children to be who God has created them to be.